Anime Quiz - Guess what are the most famous tv animes App Reviews

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Cest rigolo

Will 100 coins...




Its great but it crashes, and they should make an option to skip ads after like 7 sec


It was ok, it was glitchy, a lot of the shows there arent even anime and a lot of them are old. Anime is Japanese animation, South Park and spongebob dont fit into that category..


Really good. I found out anime that I didnt even know.


Awesome game if ur a weaboo


But I wish they had actually current anime

Good app

Good way to pass time

Love it

Best game ever


I love this game it includes everything I like. My heart sinks when I see dragon ball cuz Ill say "hey its dragon ball" easy 5 stars.


Lots of memories brought back from those early 80s cartoon classics.

I need the coins man

They give you 100 coins if you write a review. I need coins. Sorry to waste your time. The rest is random letters 4$4$$($&/$$;?)/?$/885!;((28$;8$!9$!3;9$()(9$24!;98/!7$98($983!498!3;98!;9834!;8$39;8,$$;$4,8!58;);57$potatoesjfjhgkkejjfjktiwkkgjjdjarejdjjtiieiirjjtiiejrjjrjrkfjyioqjwomderfulfjirjirjejrkfifkrk


The pictures they use are great


It awesome


So fun i love this app

Great Game For a Nerd Like Me!

Its a great game for if youre bored or need to pass time. It also makes you proud when you know an anime right away! Because then I know my Otaku inside is happy too!

Just need coins

100 coins for me

Doing this for coin

Game is ok, not fond of all of the ads


Bof bof

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